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OR ".$db_tab['content'].".content_expire='0')";
if ($contentid!="" && $contentid!="new") {
$sqlcommand.=" AND
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if ($contentid!="") {$sqlcommand.=1;}
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$sqlcommand="SELECT ".$db_tab['content'].".* ".$sqlcommand;
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eval("\$news_text.= \"".getTemplate("content/news_morelink")."\";");
if ($contentinfo['content_comment_status']==1) {
$commentcount=$DB->fetch_array($DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
".$db_tab['comment']." WHERE
comment_subid='".$contentinfo['content_id']."' AND
if ($commentcount[0]>1) {$news_comments=$commentcount[0].'
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$news_comments=" 1 ".$lang['comment'];
else {
if ($contentinfo['content_altdat']!='') {
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if ($counter>$config['content_epp2']) {
eval ("\$site_body.= \"".getTemplate("content/news_navigation")."\";");
?> |
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